Since doing my bible study with Kay, we last focused on our lesson titled Jesus, the teacher. At the end of each section there is a take home portion as to which I can journal with. I choose to use this blog as my journal. When I was in high school I thought I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to be the person that my students could come to for questions not just about homework but about anything. Teachers are so influential in a students life. Think about it! There is one teacher in your life, that you will never forget. For me it was my fourth grade teacher; Mrs. Webb. Although I am not in contact with her anymore, Mrs. Webb impacted my learning experience the most because she was so genuinely nice all of the time. She showed authority in the classroom, while still being able to be the friend that sometimes some of us need. Just like Mrs. Webb, Jesus, the teacher, showed authority. He instructed the men to follow him, and they dropped everything immediately, left there friends and family behind and they followed him. For me that would be so hard, I would ask so many questions. Questions like what is going to happen to my family ? Am I going to be ok? What happens next? before I up-and follow him. He also called the fishermen to be fishers of men as in to be disciples who make disciples. Tomorrow I will meet with Kay to talk about Jesus, the healer. Until then, lord please grant my soul the serenity to focus tomorrow, let me not just learn on the days of bible study but to cary them out day by day not just on the day I meet with kay or Sundays. Let me be an act of your will in love. Also, please remind me, because I need help with this, that its not always what I want that is best for me but your will. Amen.
Hi Megan! Just wanted you to know that I'm praying for you and I enjoy reading your blog. I'm really enjoying our Bible Study times together. I love you.